
Our conveyancing costs include all of the work that would normally be involved in a purchase or a sale of a property including all pre and post completion work. If there is any additional work we will advise you in advance and will provide clear costs information.

If the transaction falls through before completion, we will charge a proportion of our fee plus VAT and any disbursements/third party costs which we have paid out on your behalf.

Residential Purchase
Property Purchase Price Our Fees + VAT AML Compliance (including Risk Assessment) Total for 2 Buyers (without additional costs)
£0 – £500,000 £925.00 + £185.00 VAT £22.44 £1132.44
£500,001 – £1,000,000 £1,125.00 + £225.00 VAT £22.44 £1372.44
£1,000,000 + 0.25% of purchase price plus VAT £22.44
Other fees payable in addition (if applicable). Please see Schedule of Possible Additional Costs and Schedule of Possible Disbursements and Third Party Costs:-
  1. Where you are purchasing a property with the aid of a mortgage some Lenders charge an administration fee which you will be liable for.
  2. If partially funded by Help to Buy Loan: £300.00 plus VAT.
  3. On a leasehold purchase, we charge an additional supplemental fee: £350.00 plus VAT.
  4. If the property being acquired is a New Build: £400.00 plus VAT.
  5. If we have to deal with a gifted deposit: £100.00 plus VAT.
  6. If we have to deal with Statutory Declarations and procuring insurance cover for either defective Title and/or transaction at an undervalue. This does not include any (if any) insurance premium that may be payable: £125.00 plus VAT.
  7. If required to liaise with a potential occupier in respect of that person entering into a Deed of Postponement: £50.00 plus VAT.
  8. Registering a Charge at Companies House: £100.00 plus VAT plus a Companies House fee of £23.00.
  9. Effecting telegraphic transfers for any monies payable. This fee includes the bank charges: £25.00.
  10. Third-Party costs and/or disbursements we have to pay on your behalf. See Possible Third-Party Costs and Disbursements detailed in the following Schedule.
Possible Third-Party Costs and Disbursements
Service Cost Link
Local Authority Search, Water Search, Environmental Search and Shared Indemnity Policy £240.00
Land Registry Search Fee (per Search) £3
Bankruptcy Search (per name searched) £2
AML Search (per name searched) £22.44
Land Registry Fee Visit
Stamp Duty/Land Transaction Tax Visit
Transfers of Equity or Re-Mortgages

£750.00 plus VAT for Transfers of Equity or Re-Mortgages for transactions up to a value of £100,000,000.

You would in addition be liable for any (if any) Third-Party costs and disbursements. Please refer to our Schedule of Possible Third-Party Costs and Disbursements. Most Transfers of Equity or Re-Mortgages would attract Land Registry Search Fees, Bankruptcy Search Fees, Land Registry registration fees (as referred to in the Schedule of Possible Third Party Costs/Disbursements).

Transfers of Equity would also, depending upon the value of the transaction, attract a Stamp Duty/Land Transaction Tax liability (as referred to in the Schedule of Possible Third Party Costs/Disbursements.

Residential Sales
Property Sale Price (£) £0 – £500,000 £500,001 – £100,000,000 £1,000,000,000+
Our Fees + VAT £950.00 + £190.00 £1,050.00 + £210.00 0.25% of sale price plus VAT
Fee for dealing with mortgage redemption + VAT £125.00 + £25.00 £125.00 + £25.00 £125.00 + £25.00
AML compliance (including Risk Assessment) £13.46 £13.46 £13.46
Total for 2 Sellers without additional costs £1,303.46 £1,423.46

You will also normally be required to pay for up-to-date copies of the Title Deeds. Typically, the charge will be £3.00, and this includes a copy of the Register of Title and Filed Plan.

On Leasehold properties, there may be additional charges required under the Lease. These are usually payable to the Landlord and/or a Management Company.

Commercial Leases

Whether we act for the Landlord or Tenant our fees are as follows:

Commercial Lease £1250 plus £250.00 VAT

Rent Deposit Deed £250 plus £50.00 VAT

Licence to Alter £500 plus £100.00 VAT

Licence to Assign £1000 plus £200.00 VAT

Business Sales/ Purchases

The costs for dealing with a Business Sale Agreement and documenting that Business Sale Agreement and the ancillary documents are charged on a time basis with costs typically in the region of £2,000.00 – £10,000.00 plus VAT depending on the complexity of the matter. Please contact us for a full quotation.